Web3Passyour keys securely at your hand

¿What is Web3pass?

Is a browser extension, easy to install and user-friendly, that interacts with the networks: Polybase, Gnosis Chain and Scroll, allowing the user to store their credentials in encrypted form using their account through an integration with Metamask, thus way only the user can encrypt and decrypt their credentials via a signature

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Check out our demo
Enjoy our demo video where we show what you'll experience when using Web3Pass

<iframe src="https://youtu.be/R7vdRG52uLc" width="300" height="380" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe>
¿What is blockchain technology?
Blockchain technology is a decentralized digital ledger used to store and share information securely and transparently.
¿What is Metamask?
Metamask is a digital wallet browser extension that allows users to interact with decentralized applications that use blockchain technology.
¿What makes Web3Pass safer than other password managers?
Web3Pass is a browser extension, easy to install and user-friendly, built on blockchain that allows the user to store their credentials encrypted utilizing his Metamask account, this way only the user can encrypt and decrypt his credentials through a signature.
¿Where do my credentials will be store while using Web3Pass?
Depending on the network that you choose, all your credentials registered in the plug-in will be stored encripted in a decentralized database or on the blockchain, so only you can access to your data through a signature with your Metamask
¿Will i be able to access to my credentials anytime and everywhere?
Yes, you will just need your metamask and the Web3Pass plug-in
¿On what networks Web3Pass work?
Web3Pass works on:
  • Polybase
¿What is Polybase?
Polybase is the database for web3, it can store any type of structured data: user data, application state, and metadatao
¿What is Gnosis Chain?
Gnosis Chain is a highly decentralized EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) blockchain designed for fast and cheap transactions, scalability, community, and sustainable growth.
Web3Pass Roadmap: