  • Creator: Eduard
  • Token Name: HIKARI
  • Symbol: $HIKARI
  • Type: ERC20
  • Blockchain: Polygon
  • Max Supply: 10 billion
  • View on PolygonScan
About the $HIKARI token

$HIKARI is a social token created in collaboration with the brilliant minds behind p00ls. This token was born out of my desire to give back to those who enrich my journey with their unwavering support. I wanted to create something that provides tangible rewards to those who allow me to keep doing what I love. Currently, there are limited ways to earn $HIKARI, as I aim to reward genuine and authentic support. Here’s how you can earn $HIKARI:

  • Collect My Art: By collecting any of my visual or textual art on platforms like Lens, Mirror, Zora, or Manifold. Links to my pieces are shared on my social media profiles.
  • Engage and Interact: Earn HIKARI based on your engagements and interactions within the Lens and Farcaster ecosystems. Your interactions don’t have to be directly with me; if I see and love your interactions with others, I will tip you some $HIKARI. My goal is to foster a world rooted in love, kindness, and empathy, where we can freely express, connect, and empower each other. So, keep engaging in ways that align with these values
  • Spontaneous Rewards: Stay tuned for spontaneous ways to earn $HIKARI on the spot. Follow me on Lens and/or Farcaster, as it is there where the magic happens

These are the primary ways to earn $HIKARI for now. As my journey evolves, more opportunities may arise, so keep an eye on my social platforms for updates.

While these are the ways to earn $HIKARI, there are also exciting ways to spend it. I’ve crafted and will continue to craft, perks related to my art and beyond, which you can access using $HIKARI. Visit the Perk Shop (linked above) to explore the perks you can “buy” with $HIKARI.

Thank you for your support!🌹

What are Creator Tokens?
Creator tokens are ERC20 tokens, minted & airdropped on Polygon. All tokens are non transferable, meaning the token can only be sent and received by allowlisted wallets or the P00LS protocol.
Where can I view my creator tokens?
You can view the tokens in your wallet on Polygonscan or by importing the tokens to your wallet using the smart contract address.
Where can I use my creator tokens?
The tokens are fully composable on web3 3rd party platforms, allowing you to use the tokens you've earned to access token utility gated exclusively to token holders.
What is P00LS?
P00LS is a social token protocol for creators active in web3. With P00LS, creators can mint a token and reward their community for holding their latest NFT, buying their Friend.Tech keys, following then on Sound.xyz or engaging with them on Lens.